Automated Sanitary Napkin Incinerators
Globally, first of its kind. Reduces used napkins to sterile ash, in matter of seconds.
Key benefits:
Destruction of used napkins in the most hygienic way
No more clogging of drains/repairing of plumbing
Eco friendly: used napkins are converted into a sterile ash
Can be installed in offices, factories, girls’ schools and colleges,hospitals and nursing homes, public places, hotels etc.
Vending Machines
Vending machines are hands-off machinery that distributes
merchandise when the consumer deposits money. Vending machine
parts include some sort of monetary detection device, such as
coin slots and card swipes, in addition to a display case and
product dispense area where the purchaser can pick up the
purchased item. Some special vending machines will have unique
parts, such as a refrigeration unit to keep drinks or food
When determining a location, vending machine placement in
different areas can greatly affect
the success or
failure of the machine. |
Vending machines
are an investment that can help supplement regular business
income of a retailer. Vending machine businesses are run by
store owners or individuals who rent out vending machines and
take some percentage of the profits. Vending machine operations
are fairly straight forward and may require regular maintenance
to clear jams as well as provide product refills. Vending
machines can contain beverages, snacks, cigarettes, alcohol,
candy, stamps, condoms and more.
Rashitech Feminine Hygiene products, Sanitary Napkin Vending Machines and Incinerators,
created for women on the GO for an anxiety/stress free life – guaranteeing a clean India –
Right answer to the call for SWACHH BHARAT.
Installing Rashitech Feminine Hygiene products can be effective projects for Corporates for
the attainment of CSR obligations under the Company Act.
Automated Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine
Our main focus has been on Sanitary Napkin Vending Machines. This is a convenient tool
for making available Sanitary Napkins any time anywhere. These machines can be installed in places like schools and colleges, institutions, offices, factories, airports, railway stations, buss stations and public toilets.
Key benefits:
Immediate access to napkins to meet menstrual emergencies
Self-dispensing of napkins at the drop of a coin/currency note
Minimizes drop out & absenteeism in schools/colleges and work places
Convenient to buy the product independently
No embarrassment and shyness in girls to ask for napkins